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中国艺术品收藏网 2012-04-12 19:00:58发表评论(0) 新浪微博 更多





   聚焦亚洲势力,CIGE 2012蓄势待发!


2011年中艺博国际画廊博览会(以下简称CIGE 2012)全场三分之二以上作品成交,总共呈现了国内外60家画廊精选参展单元,与超过5000名VIP嘉宾,包括了著名收藏家、策展人、艺术家、画廊主、媒体人;商界精英、文化和演艺界在内的著名人士;以及逾4万名观众共赏了北京当代艺术盛事。

CIGE 2012在继续深化与本土画廊合作的同时,也吸引了中国香港及台湾地区、日本、韩国、美国等国家及地区的画廊踊跃参展。当代唐人艺术中心、常青画廊(意大利)、空白空间以及艺美画廊、香格纳画廊、沪申画廊、耿画廊、 Arario画廊、 SUN Contemporary画廊、CAIS画廊、Galerie Bhak、PYO画廊、Yamamoto Gendai及来自美国和乌克兰的58家知名及新锐画廊共同组成CIGE 2012具有亚洲风貌的画廊参展区。

在CIGE2012中参展画廊将携众多国际当代艺术名家的精彩作品到场。新媒体艺术大师白南准被誉为Video艺术之父,在国际艺术界享有盛誉。日本著名艺术家Murayama Ruriko(村山留里子),擅长使用女性化的装饰材料制作具有“怪诞”与“离奇” 效果的雕塑。此外还将欣赏到包括Choi So Young、Joon Y Moon、Yang Min Ha等多位韩国著名艺术家的精彩作品。

中艺博国际画廊博览会多年来坚持打造的具有学术与市场兼顾的艺术项目,已经形成独特的艺术品牌效应。"Mapping Asia:亚洲年轻艺术家个展”单元作为中艺博国际画廊博览会的传统项目,自从2008年首次推出以来,已经成为博览会常设艺术项目中最具特色的亮点之一,多年来在博览会的平台中为数十位亚洲年轻一代艺术家的成长搭建具有国际关注度的展示及交流平台,同时在国际市场反馈中都得到了广泛关注与认可。本届将由十三家画廊推荐十七位年轻艺术家参展,包括当代唐人艺术中心、麦勒画廊(Galerie Urs Meile)、北京现在画廊等,新锐画廊包括禾木空间、H.T.画廊和杨画廊,以及来自海外的SUN Contemporary(韩国)、 About Art Project(韩国)和Frantic(日本)。届时,多位年轻艺术家的新近精彩作品将在MAPPING ASIA展览专场空间展现。
本届CIGE 2012首次推出以突出学术价值的“CIGE Project ”艺术项目。每届“CIGE Project” 将特别邀请一位在一定领域做出突出成绩的策展人为CIGE 公共空间策划主题展览。今年“CIGE Project 2012”特别邀请民生当代艺术研究中心首席运营官、民生现代美术馆副馆长郭晓彦女士为策展人,届时知名青年艺术家刘韡的作品将于展厅200平米空间呈现。策展人的学术性与商业活动紧密结合在一起,相信“CIGE Project 2012”将成为本届博览会的突出亮点。

2012中艺博国际画廊博览会特别企划全新艺术项目“Guest Country 2012-——主题国邀请展”。此项全新的艺术项目将以国家为单位,每年邀请某一国家或地区策展人特别策划,观者可于中艺博国际画廊博览会现场纵观这一国家或地区艺术发展态势。在中韩建交20年之际,中艺博国际画廊博览会邀请韩国策展人李大衡(LEE Daehyung)先生策划首次“Guest Country 2012——主题国邀请展:韩国Solid Illusion Beijing”,展览以韩国为单位,展出五位韩国优秀多媒体艺术家作品。
随着近年来我国美术馆事业的蓬勃发展,投资数千万甚至十多亿元的美术馆不断涌现。中艺博国际画廊博览会作为商业平台的同时,也不断对非盈利艺术机构投以长久关注。“Subliminal非营利艺术机构展”作为常规艺术项目,自创立至今已经有数十家中外优秀非盈利艺术机构在此项目中展出。在CIGE 2012上我们邀请到来自上海的喜马拉雅美术馆及DSL Collection,它们代表着美术馆民间力量的崛起。本届组委会还将遴选一家在亚洲范围内,具有丰富的建设经验和成熟的运营体制的美术馆,以博览会为媒,期待中外美术馆之间的展示和交流。在CIGE 2012中,非赢利艺术机构将在博览会的商业平台中持续发声。

The Ninth China International Gallery Exposition(CIGE 2012)
Two years after China became the world’s largest art auction market, after years of progressive growth, it has again taken the crown by reaching a turnover of 4.79 billion dollars. Though the global economy continues to slump, collectors from Asia - especially from China - are rising. The emerging wealthy class is flocking to the art market, taking it to a future point of growth.
At CIGE 2011, more than two thirds of the artworks from 60 carefully selected galleries from home and abroad were sold. The 2011 exposition was attended by over 5,000 VIPs, including collectors, curators, artists, gallery owners, media representatives, business and culture elites. Visitors to the exposition exceeded 40,000.
Besides deeper cooperation with Chinese local galleries, CIGE 2012 will see the active participation of galleries from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and more The local gallery line-up consists of Beijing-based Tang Contemporary Art, Galleria Continua, White Space Beijing and ARTMIA Gallery; also in attendance will be Shanghai-based ShanghaiART Gallery, Shanghai Gallery of Art and Taiwan-based Tina Keng Gallery. Korea has more exhibitors than any other Asian country, including Arario Gallery, Gallery SUN Contemporary, CAIS Gallery, Galerie Bhak and PYO Gallery . Yamamoto Gendai hails from Japan. Also present will be galleries from the United States and Ukraine.
CIGE 2012 will also give exposure to up-and-coming Sichuan space L-Art Gallery. The Mapping Asia exhibition area will feature Beijing-based Hemuse Gallery, Gallery Yang and H.T. Gallery. Both new forces and fabled veterans of the Asian art scene will contribute to an inclusive and diversified CIGE gala in 2012.
Many of the participating exhibitors have brought their treasured collections to CIGE 2012, among which are works from one of the most famous Colombian, Fernando Botero, who earned his fame by presenting full-blown nudes and dramatic space. Other big names include the “Godfather” of new media art, Nam June Paik, and Japanese artist Murayama Ruriko, who is gifted at creating absurd and quirky sculptures made from decorative materials. There will also be Korean artists including Choi So Young, Joon Y Moon and Yang Min Ha.
CIGE 2012 Art Project Highlights
CIGE is dedicated to realising art projects that are of great academic and market value. Mapping Asia: solo exhibitions by young Asian artists, is just such a project. This year, the project will feature the latest works from 17 young artists as recommended by 13 galleries, including Tang Contemporary Art, Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing Art Now Gallery, and emerging names such as Hemuse Gallery,  Gallery Yang and H.T. Gallery, as well as overseas galleries including Gallery SUN Contemporary (Korea), About Art Project (Korea) and Frantic (Japan).
CIGE 2012 marks the debut of CIGE Project, a new art grogram which to underscore academic values. The project invites an influential figure in a specific area to curate a themed exhibition for CIGE’s public space. This year, the curator is Guo Xiaoyan, CEO of Minsheng Contemporary Art Research Center and deputy director of Minsheng Contemporary Art Museum. She will be responsible for selecting an artist and curating an exhibition in a 200 square meter area on site at the exposition. In this way, the project will perfectly blend the academic tastes of the curator with the fair’s commercial activities.
The other new project is Guest Country 2012. Each year CIGE picks a curator from any chosen country or region to present a special exhibition, which will deliver an impression of art there to viewers at CIGE. On the 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Korea, CIGE 2012 chooses Lee Daehyung to be the curator for the first Guest Country project: Solid Illusion Beijing, which will showcase multi-media artworks by outstanding Korean artists.
CIGE has been giving consistent attention to non-profit art agencies, including art museums which have been receiving tens of millions worth of investment across the country in recent years. Subliminal - the non-profit agency exhibition, has attracted dozens of prominent non-profit art organizations from home and abroad since the project was launched. This year CIGE will introduce to the audience two museums: Shanghai Minsheng Contemporary Art Museum, the Himalayas Art Museum and DSL Collecrion representatives of the surge of civil museums in China. CIGE 2012 will also single out an Asian museum with rich capacity-building experience and mature operational mechanisms to share its successful story with its counterparts.



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