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ShContemporary 08 Arlo Mountford 参展作品《反射》
来源:ShContemporary 08 2008-08-27 16:14:35发表评论(0) 新浪微博 更多

Arlo Mountford 《反射》 2008年  数字动画的静态画面
鸣谢:艺术家本人和香港10 Chancery Lane画廊

Arlo Mountford  Reflex  2008  Digital animation still
Courtesy of the artist and 10 Chancery Lane Gallery, Hong Kong

Arlo Mountford  1978年,出生于英国;现生活、工作在墨尔本
Arlo Mountford  1978, U. K.; lives and works in Melbourne

策展人Rachel Kent的陈述:
    在墨尔本艺术家阿洛 (Arlo Mountford)的动画影像作品中,对主题形象的累积和减少都有所体现。他从西方艺术历史中选择了具有代表性的图像,把它们变成程序化的表意文字并把其融进移动的场景中去,有时令人不安但往往很幽默。阿洛的这种视觉省略特点让我们回想起很受欢迎的动画作品,例如:像在《南岸公园》(South Park)中那简洁的轮廓及对颜色的大胆运用。艺术家、风格与时代全部被瓦解成了一部有趣的、带有崇敬和批判意味的数字盛宴。阿洛通过反历史的手法描绘了信息的建构与解构。

Statement by Curator Rachel Kent
   Themes of accumulation and reduction figure in the animated videos of Melbourne artist Arlo Mountford. In his animations, Mountford selects iconic images from the history of Western art, paring them down into stylised images and inserting them into moving tableaux where they jostle together, sometimes uncomfortably and often humorously. Mountford's reductive visual style recalls popular animations such as ‘South Park’ with its simplified outlines and bold colours. The build up and break-down of information is rendered in anti-historical terms as artists, styles and periods all collapse into a playful digital soup that is part homage, and part critique.

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