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ShContemporary 08 Vibha Galhortra参展作品《失踪》
来源:ShContemporary 08 2008-09-02 15:27:07发表评论(0) 新浪微博 更多

Vibha Galhortra 《失踪》马特罗普拉系列  2007年  铜线、铜

Vibha Galhortra  Missing from the series Metropla  2007  Copper wire and bronze
Courtesy of Gallery Espace

Vibha Galhotra
1978年出生于印度; 现生活、工作在新德里
Vibha Galhotra
1978; lives and works in New Delhi

策展人Deeksha Nath的陈述:


Curatorial statement by Deeksha Nath
The city is her inspiration and Vibha Galhotra’s sculptures and paintings are her experience of the city, its neighborhoods and the problematics specific to modern urban cultures, politics and social interactions. 
Because her work examines areas and situations of the society she lives in Vibha refers to her work as ‘site-specific’, a creative use of a term that denotes art works that exist in a certain place. What Vibha denotes is that her sculptures are metaphoric statements about a particular kind of co-existence that is shaping in cities today. We live crammed in and piled up as bees in a hive and so can we, like bees, find ways of working and living together rather then scrounging off one another?


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