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ShContemporary 08 Tushar Joag参展作品《帝国的启蒙军团》
来源:ShContemporary 08 2008-09-02 15:41:15发表评论(0) 新浪微博 更多

《帝国的启蒙军团》 2008年  综合媒介  有机玻璃、塑料、黄铜, 低碳钢、木头等  大约5英尺
鸣谢: Chemould Prescott Road画廊

Tushar Joag  Enlightening Legion of the Empire  2008  Mixed media  Perspex, plastic, brass, mild steel, wood, etc.  Approximate 5 feet
Courtesy of Chemould Prescott Road

Tushar Joag
Tushar Joag
1978, Mumbai; lives and works in Mumbai

策展人Deeksha Nath的陈述:
    称自己为“公共发明艺术家”的塔沙(Tushar Joag)是“公开发行艺术信托” (Open Circle Arts Trust)的创始人之一,一个由艺术家主导的、通过激进主义艺术探究当今政治的倡议。2004年艺术家建立了“全球细胞”[UNICELL(www.unicellpwc.org)]机构,一个利用讽刺美学指出百万城市居民每天所面临问题的模拟多国机构。

    塔沙的装置作品《帝国的启蒙军团》(Enlightening Legion of the Empire)由现成及合成材料制成的20个形象组成,其中包括台灯、灯架、固定装置、有机玻璃、塑料、木材、黄铜和低碳钢。这个形象是一个看起来既险恶又滑稽的三角形机器人士兵。他的作品在帝国主义语言比喻和原教旨主义的征服与转换目的之间画了一条重重的平行线。

Curatorial statement by Deeksha Nath
Tushar Joag describes himself as a ‘public intervention artist’ and is founder member of Open Circle Arts Trust, an artist-led initiative that probes contemporary politics through art activism. In 2004 he established UNICELL (www.unicellpwc.org), a mock multi-national corporation that uses satirical aesthetics to address the problems faced daily by millions of city dwellers. 
Joag’s installation Enlightening Legion of the Empire consists of 20 figures made from found and fabricated material including table lamps, light stands and fixtures, Perspex, plastic, wood, brass and mild steel. The figures construct a robotic army arranged in a triangular format that is simultaneously menacing and comical. His work draws strong parallels between the linguistic tropes employed by imperialism and fundamentalism in their mission to conquer and convert.


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