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ShContemporary 08 Sumedh Rajendran参展作品《充满忧郁》
来源:ShContemporary 08 2008-09-02 16:12:28发表评论(0) 新浪微博 更多

Sumedh Rajendran 《充满忧郁》 2007年  铝片、木头、橡胶  94x122x13英寸

Sumedh Rajendran  Full Melancholy  2007  Aluminum sheet, wood and rubber  94x122x13inches

Sumedh Rajendran
Sumedh Rajendran
1972, Kerala; lives and works in New Delhi

策展人Sumedh Rajendran的陈述:


Curatorial statement by Sumedh Rajendran
Born in Kerala, one of the two communist-led states in India, Sumedh migrated to New Delhi, the political centre of the country for his post-graduate studies and where he now lives. Politics has shaped his social framework and Sumedh’s primary intentions as an artist-activist is to participate in political discourse. 
By working within their meaning in the social context, Sumedh politicizes the materials he works with, which include ceramic tiles, metal sheets, and leather. For instance, in India leather connotes the oppression of the Dalits in the country’s caste history, and tin trunks, a form used repeatedly by Sumedh, are commonly used by migrants and function as a reflection on the discourse of displacement and alienation. The self-conscious construction of India’s modernity through the juxtaposition of materials and forms such as dismembered and prosthetic limbs, dissected animals, tin trunks, and cages reveal the fractured and mutilated experience of humanity in a world divided between the privileged managers of resources and keepers of knowledge on the one hand, and the underprivileged worker-labourer on the other.


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