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ShContemporary 08 Sakae Ozawa参展作品《维加》
来源:ShContemporary 08 2008-09-02 16:31:57发表评论(0) 新浪微博 更多

Sakae Ozawa 《维加》 2008年  布面油画  190x300cm
鸣谢:Mori Yu画廊

Sakae Ozawa  Vega  2008  Oil on cotton  190x300cm
Courtesy of Mori Yu Gallery

Sakae Ozawa
Sakae Ozawa
1980, Shiga, Japan; lives and works in Vienna

策展人Reiko Tsubaki的陈述:
    Ozawa Sakae的绘画作品并非仅仅形象和美丽的颜色,而经常由人类或动物和人类在一起的情景构成,即使是最一般的情景,也有童话的气氛萦绕。这些图像似乎调用了一种被深深植入童话里的信息,尽管这些信息都是被我们想象出来的。

Curatorial statement by Reiko Tsubaki
Ozawa Sakae produces the paintings rather figurative and beautiful colors. There are often human beings, animals and human beings together, with a kind of fairytale atmosphere even though with the ordinary situation. These images seem to call up a kind of messages deeply rooted in our fairytale or myth, even though it is ourselves who imagine these messages.

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