










People believe I always live in dream. Mother also said so when I was little. As a matter of fact, she read my heart. Then I got the first paint brush in my life.

Always, I like to be alone and think about things that happened, even those may happen in the future. Thinking makes me happy. Undoubtedly, I am not lonely; painting covers the most of my life. Even if there is little clue of light and image to the dreamlands and the impossible world, I will Careful keep on expressing and presenting it in my drawing language. For me, drawing is real and splendid.

Actually, it is simple that I love drawing. My attitude is to try my best to complete every piece of work. That’s also the redemption to my life, for I’ve been doing it and keeping on.                                         

Drawing will lead me to the eternity and happiness……

Thank you, Mum.

                                                                                                                 September 3, 2008