


    The growth of Christie’s in Asia reflects the world’s fascination with this region and its appreciation of the richness, diversity and quality of Asian art.  Asia is also a magnet for some of the world’s finest treasures.

    Christie’s long association with Asia began as early as 1766 when Asian works of art were featured in its very first auction.    Fast forward to 1969 when Christie’s conducted its first auction in Asia at the Tokyo Bijutsu Club (Tokyo Art Club) in Japan.  The sale featured Japanese, Chinese and European Works of Art, 19th Century Chinese Paintings and Impressionist and Modern Paintings.  In 1973, Christie’s first office in Asia officially opened in Tokyo.

    Christie’s followed with its first Hong Kong Sale in 1986, presenting a range of Chinese Paintings, Chinese Works of Art and Ceramics and Jadeite and Jewellery.   It was an auspicious start to more than 20 years of success in Asia.

    Growing from strength to strength, Christie’s expanded its Asia network to offices in Taipei, Singapore, Shanghai (the first international auction house to set up a China office), Beijing, Mumbai, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul and Bangkok.  In China, Christie’s also licensed its brand to China-based auction house Forever International.   In each country where Christie’s has an office, our representatives help clients connect with our specialists and bring the best of what Christie’s offers from its global sale centres.
    随着业务日益发展,佳士得进军亚洲,在各地设立办事处,包括台北、新加坡、上海 (首个国际拍卖行在中国成立办事处)、北京、孟买、雅加达、吉隆坡、首尔及曼谷;佳士得亦把其商标授权予以中国为基地的北京永乐国际拍卖有限公司。于每个设有佳士得代表处的国家,各个代表都是客户与专家之间的桥梁,同时为客户带来世界各地佳士得的拍卖信息。

    Throughout the 1990’s, Christie’s held specialised sales in different countries, such as our first Classical Chinese Paintings sale in Taipei in 1993 and the Imperial sale in Hong Kong – the auction house’s first themed sale in Asia.  Singapore held its first Southeast Asian pictures and Straits Chinese Ceramics, gold and silver sales.  In 1998,  Christie’s Taiwan office added a 20th Century and Contemporary Chinese Paintings sale, and its Bangkok office held a Thai Paintings sale in 1999.