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中国艺术品收藏网 中国文化传媒 孟泽 2011-02-16 19:18:26发表评论(0) 新浪微博 更多




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1, cloud does not Feidu watch the sun rise, wind energy solution language to send blessings; two heart friendship has never been known to every message, I still not as good as the book!
2, like the wonderful life and the tenacity with your peers, like the flourishing business and your eternal beauty! Wish Sister Happy Holidays!
3 years of a poem, sentence and melodious; friendship Cantabile, Yin Yu proudly; Festival by Kyrgyzstan, and to congratulate the well-being; Er-Ru friendship, ancient inward!
4, 15 Lantern Festival, a toast to invite the moon; cordial bless you, good luck again Aetna!
5, ask the world, what is your?-Shan, green for your water to show for the expensive Suddenly, month-ming as expensive as the person is expensive, in order to Zhi for your friends, the situation in order to really as expensive, I to you, is precious!
I wish you a Happy Lantern Festival!
6, birds soar with the Luan-Feng Yuan, people with products from high virtue. This life I am proud of you! Happy Holidays!
7, the Lantern Festival to wish you love in the new year for you "really love you," work "brighter", you parents, "cherish"
8, the first month 15 Lantern Festival, the whole country a good busy. Send you a sweet glutinous rice balls, I wish you all things backgammon! Send you a little message, I wish you laughter wishful often!
9, if a representative of an affective snow, then snow for you today, the original blossoming snow bring you joy, happiness and joy on the snow by the year 2008 brought my greetings, I wish
You Happy Lantern Festival!
10, Chu: affection * heart * Love * Friendship * Love * Love Lucky Lucky Ruyi # * * fortune * Fu Yun Yun Yun enjoy pass # love you and your loved ones * to you, you want everyone happy people * ! Happy Lantern Festival
11, Moonlight drunk far-off, shadow suspect relatives; Lantern vigil alone, missed her greatly Alone; not Tao exotic far away from the festive two points; Yao Zhu cause into a splendid and every spring.
12, I let breeze Shao Shang miss, I bring greetings to the moon, in the moonlight, water, friends, time to dream ... ... Happy Lantern Festival!
13, passed years, taste friendship; passing thoughts, bring good luck: New Year's every gust of wind blew, there are from my heartfelt blessing, every inch of the moon according to ask, are worried about me
The exhortation: take care of themselves, lovers of life, the eternal happiness Kisaragi!
14, Life is like a house, a friend is the windows; the window the more houses the more bright. Is the biggest door that I would like to sunny windows, fragrant spring flowers, autumn and send Qishuang, summer send cool winter Sunshine
--- Make you happy every day!
15, a person can go far, and watching his peers with whom; how successful a person to see who he was pointing; how good a person to see him a friend. Let us cherish this
Friendship, believed to have you, I will be even better!
16, pure quietly passing the winter, the weather is always changing, always constant affection; like faint chill, breeze past year, your tired, sough of the north wind, passing me
Heartfelt blessing: Happy Lantern Festival!
17, good friends and a dream, never remembered; good friends is a geographical, I concern an uncontrolled run; good friends is a blessing, good fortune unlimited. Friends bless you: a happy and healthy and happy forever!
18, life's most exciting experiences is the most admired people with their own dialogue - immersive breeze, such as the Long Yuet, such as the static depth of flow, not play, not dazzling, but unforgettable, Wing
Health and unforgettable! By the Lantern Festival to talk about me the heart.
19, no year, and asked Jun Kehao? How the whole body? Mood Liang has? Former UNITA forgotten? Pin our sorrow and grief, Hongyan slim, do? ... ... Oh, like you 啦!
20, Love goes by, friendship perish; wish to life, rich evergreen; then I wish the cause of illuminating as heavenly stars; happiness with you, to accompany their lives; Song Xi Song Xi, healthy life.
21, tiger Wasabi Mon, year after year lamp, lantern fifteenth day downtown! Street lamp, street lamp post, a piece full of light! Chinese New Year Lantern Festival in a big round, thin-skinned big game honey sweet stuffing. Chu: Lantern Moon Degree
22, decorated, I wish you joy of entertainment; puzzle together, I wish you a happy sweet; a bowl of the Lantern Festival, filled with happiness, happy, healthy, safe. I wish you a happy heart in the Lantern Festival in
And family round and round!
23, the yen full moon days are also circle to circle round the cause of human dreams come true is more round, the situation Yuan Jia Yuan Yuan Meng of love won, Choi Chi Yuan Yuan Yuan Tatsuya. I wish you a Lantern Festival round and round round and happiness!
24, the sky on children round, round, round, round bowl of soup, worldly people group reunion, mind's dream round and round. Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, I wish you dreams come true center of a circle, the whole family
Round and round round beaming Delight!
25, today is the Lantern Festival, I cook a bowl of glutinous rice balls: Green skin and wishful filling, cooked with love, eat a happy, eat two warm, eat three healthy, eat a bowl of rich, drink
Tom successfully!
26, 15 Lantern Festival, cheers constantly; Tel disturb more there is the inconvenience; SMS New Year, I wish; wish your family the body Kang; happiness in the coming year to earn more; early pray, lest
27, will give you a cup of refreshing green tea, with the blessing of fragrant leaves, to gently exhorted to do flowers, and then boiling passion for water, tolerant and inclusive as cups, drinking out of your good mood and a one-year
Health and well-being. Happy Lantern Festival!
28, there is always concern for the individuals you have personally always miss for you. Lantern lights, smiling glances of your eyes. Infix in my heart, sparkling every night. Yuanxiao Ye soft romantic lighting, but did not
You all just hypothetical; Valentine's Day night, though only by flickering candlelight, but have you all to become more romantic



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