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ShContemporary 08 Suhasini Kejriwal参展作品
来源:ShContemporary 08 2008-09-02 15:13:27发表评论(0) 新浪微博 更多

Suhasini Kejriwal  无题  2007年  布面、综合媒介  94x54英寸
鸣谢:Chemould Presott Road画廊

Suhasini Kejriwal  Untitled  2007  Mixed media on canvas  94x54inches
Courtesy of Chemould Presott Road

Suhasini Kejriwal
Suhasini Kejriwal
1973, Kolkata, India; lives and works in Kolkata

策展人Deeksha Nath的陈述:
    苏哈希尼•克里瓦尔(Suhasini Kejriwal)的布上油画和雕塑作品是对颜色的一种放纵,描述的是浓密植物的细节以及昆虫、鸟和小动物穿过树叶和花朵的各种偷窥方式,就像一个放大镜穿过迷人的森林的上空,看清那些常常看不见的事物。


Curatorial statement by Deeksha Nath
Suhasini Kejriwal’s canvases and sculptures are a riot of colour depicting details of dense foliage and all manners of insects, birds and small animals peep through the leaves and flowers, as if a magnifying glass is passed over a luscious forest highlighting that which is often overlooked. 
Trained in New York and London and living in Kolkata, Suhasini reworks the art historical tropes of patterning that lies underneath the decorative canons of Islamic and Indian art on the one hand and on the other recreates the sense of dark fantasies of surrealist visionaries. Through the experience of being a foreign student, Suhasini increasingly turned back to her home city of Kolkata for inspiration (especially the local crafts). She has worked with local embroiderers to replicate parts of her paintings in intricate embroidery, which in turn she interpolates within her own drawings. Variant textures are a defining aspect of her work.


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