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Chinese (Global) Cyber Art Exhibition 2012
中国艺术品收藏网 全球艺术品收藏网 中国文化传媒 中国书画专馆 中国当代艺术馆 孟泽盛 2011-11-25 13:44:21发表评论(0) 新浪微博 更多







陆俨少   君子图

张问陶   和合二仙


陈抱一 荷塘初夏

   Chinese (Global) Cyber Art Exhibition 2012 will be held in Chinese Art Collection Network from January 1st to December 27th, 2012, which, together with Chinese (Global) Internet Art Exhibition Trade Center 2012 and Fine Works Collection Exhibition of the Chinese Art Collection Network 2012, will be a distinguished gathering of exploring human cyber life art, a symphony of taking innovation and integration as the theme and a great dialogue of human cyber art civilization.


As the main e-commerce trading platform of B-C art for the Chinese Art Collection Network, they are elaborately prepared that all the selected work of art is fine with reasonable price, ensuring collectors to buy and appreciate at ease. The new module platform makes them operate a series of e-commerce processes of appreciate, payment and logistics easier and fully enjoy the convenience and fast of the network.

中国艺术品收藏网、 中国文化传媒 、中国书画专馆 、中国当代艺术馆 、全球艺术品收藏网 、全球传媒为迎接(全球)中国网络艺术博览会特此举办2012年(全球)中国网络艺术博览会、2012年(全球)中国互联网艺术展览贸易中心、2012年中国艺术品收藏网精品收藏展,希望艺术家、收藏家、艺术机构、画廊、企业共同参与此次展览。祝大家艺路精彩!更好的传播文化艺术精品。

To great the Chinese (Global) Cyber Art Exhibition, Chinese Art Collection Network, Chinese Cultural Media, Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Museum, Chinese Museum of Contemporary Art, Global Art Collection Network and Global Media host the Chinese (Global) Cyber Art Exhibition 2012, Chinese (Global) Internet Art Exhibition Trade Center 2012 and Fine Works Collection Exhibition of the Chinese Art Collection Network 2012 and hope that artists, collectors, art institutions, galleries and businesses participate in, wishing you all have a wonderful experience and better dissemination of fine works of cultural art.


The name of Exhibition:


Chinese (Global) Cyber Art Exhibition 2012


Chinese (Global) Internet Art Exhibition Trade Center 2012

Fine Works Collection Exhibition of the Chinese Art Collection Network 2012
Time:from January 1st to December 27th, 2012


Location of the Exhibition: Chinese Art Collection Network (Net Museum)

主办单位:中国艺术品收藏网、中国文化传媒 、中国书画专馆 、中国当代艺术馆 、全球艺术品收藏网 、全球传媒.

Sponsor:Chinese Art Collection Network, Chinese Cultural Media, Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Museum, Chinese Museum of Contemporary Art, Global Art Collection Network and Global Media host




The co-sponsor:  上海赛姝达文化艺术发展有限公司           

 ,Chinese Art Collection Network Foundation


The co-sponsor is recruiting. Welcome institutions, galleries and businesses to participate together. Recruit 2012 annual sponsors for the Chinese Art Collection Network, Chinese Cultural Media and Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Museum and annual media support units: newspapers, magazines, websites and other related units.



Exhibition Rules:
1. Exhibits include Chinese painting and calligraphy, oil paintings, antiques, handicrafts and other art.
2. Its form is online exhibition that physical delivery is not required.
3. The delivery exhibits are divided into A, B, C categories: A class can be ordered directly online, B class is the collection for artists, collectors, art institutions and enterprises, which is for display only and C class are the exhibits approved to be sale by the website.
4. An awarding activity will be launched after the exhibition. All exhibits will participate in the awards and a number of awards are set up and will present award certificates.
5. Auction form is adopted for sales ...and its deadline is November 27, 2012.
6. Commission sales contract is needed to be signed for delivery C class exhibits. Buyer has to pay a deposit on this website after confirming the transaction and after the deal closed, buyers and sellers need to pay commission to the site.
5. To purchase the exhibit, it has to register members of Chinese art and pay the bid bond. For details, please refer to the online auction rules on the Chinese Art Collection Network.
6. Participating individuals or organizations need to truthfully provide identification or business license and the B class needs to sign a commission sales contract. Work photo delivery requirements are as following:
(1) Each artist may submit up to five works and photo size should be no more than A4 paper without framed. The delivery photos will not be returned, so please retained backup.
(2) Please state clearly in the back of each photo of the following information: title of work, size, age, materials, author's name, full postal address, zip code, phone and email.
(3) The eligible cost of photos for each work is 50 yuan. Please make remittance to Shanghai Fangsheng Cultural Dissemination Co., Ltd. while sending photos.
(4) Please send a copy of ID card (copy on A4 paper) to show the true age of the participating artists.
(5) For the photos and remittance copy, please e-mail to Chinese Art Collection Network in 2012.


The participation fee standards are: 500 yuan per work for VIP group members of Chinese art collection network and individual members and 800 yuan for the general member.


          021 62681277   



开户名:上海方盛文化传播有限公司  帐   号:31001645111052504563  开户行:建行上海古北支行





The sponsor has the right of propaganda, publishing and exhibition to the exhibits and any other matters should be agreed by the Organizing Committee. The sponsor and the co-sponsor have the right of the final interpretation on this exhibition.












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