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中国艺术品收藏网 中国文化传媒 2013-10-25 17:58:51发表评论(0) 新浪微博 更多




Everywhere in the world, book design is meant to serve book reading or the understanding of the contents. Although book designers need to define the appearance of a book in the esthetic perspective, they do not do this merely to make books pleasing to the eye, on top of that, they aim to make the contents more accurately rendered. The appearance of books might vary due to different designs, nevertheless, the basic principles of book design remain consistent and unchanged.


Because of increasing medial differentiation and growing competition, the print book and its medial attributes could experience a renaissance. Making these attributes more visible should be the aim for conceptual and book design in the future. The book’s strength lie in its sensual manifestation as opposed to the digital availability of book-approximate content: in its materiality and concreteness.  After all, the paper itself is already an information-carrier.  And whoever decides to buy a printed book, as opposed to a download, will consciously appreciate its convenience, the tangibility and the relative durability.  Therefore, readers are now more demanding than ever about the design, binding and quality of books.  A well executed readable typography will become a more important attribute of print books.


And so the competition of “The Beauty of Books in China” is – like all other book competitions – an important guide not only for the producing publishers, book designers and manufacturers, but also for the readers.  It offers orientation in the ever larger range of products and sets benchmarks for the good choice of materials, appealing-sensual design and for quality standards.  Book design competitions distinguish the features of convincing design and good presentation – in China as well as in Germany and in other countries that carry out such competitions.  The honored books show examples of what the traditional medium book can accomplish.


In Germany it is the Stiftung Buchkunst Frankfurt am Main & Leipzig which carries out the annual book competitions.  It is in charge of the competition “Die Schönsten deutschen Bücher/The Best German Book Design” and, since 1991, the international competition “Schönsten Bücher aus aller Welt/Best Book Design from all over the World”, in existence since 1963.  The focus is mainly on exchange and information: about book design, about criteria of well readable typography, about design conception to suit the book’s contents, about attributes and manufacturing quality, and also about the current challenges in book design and book production.  Different target groups are addressed in both competitions: first of all the book and publishing industry (designers, manufacturers, printers, bookbinders, etc.), but also, as publicity events, the book buyers, the reading audience.


For “Schönsten Bücher aus aller Welt/Best Book Design from all over the World” the participation of the Chinese award-winning books is an asset.  The books from China that participate in the international competition are shaped by a unique, vigorous and rich book culture.  And so the Chinese entries in the international comparison have performed excellently.




                   Ms. Uta Schneider
Former Executive Manager of
the Stiftung Buhkunst/German Book Art Foundation
on “The Beauty of Books in China”




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